Body checkup

Physical examination can help to detect potential health problems early. Some diseases may not have obvious symptoms in the early stage, but through physical examination, early detection and treatment can be carried out. This includes high blood pressure, diabetes, cardiovascular disease or high-risk diseases, such as colorectal cancer, breast cancer and liver cancer, etc. Early detection will increase the treatment rate.

Why do you need a physical examination?

In our busy modern lives, we often neglect our own health. A physical exam can provide each individual with an individual assessment of their health. According to the test results, doctors can assess your physical condition, understand your health risks, and provide corresponding suggestions and guidance to improve your health status. However, the principle of prevention is better than cure remains the same. As a preventive health management method, physical examination has important value. Let’s explore why a physical exam is necessary.

How to choose the right physical examination for you?

To choose the right physical examination based on age, gender, family medical history, personal medical history and specific health concerns,

If you find any abnormalities in your physical condition, you should immediately consult a doctor for appropriate examinations to reduce the risk of illness.

If you have a family history of diseases that are common in your family, such as heart disease, diabetes, or cancer, you may need to monitor related body markers more closely.

KPM’s health checkup series has a variety of different physical checkup plans, which can provide customers with different plans, help customers choose the checkups they need, and have professional doctors to conduct face-to-face consultations to make a judgment for your situation.

Physician-involved check-up program

According to the Consumer Council’s May 2023 monthly magazine, it was found that about 30% of the health check-up plans did not have doctors involved in the diagnosis.

It is recommended to have a physical examination once a year, but you need to choose a medical examination with a doctor’s participation.

KPM’s physical examination plan will have a face-to-face consultation with the doctor before the physical examination, so that the patient can better understand the situation of the physical examination, and the report will be explained by the doctor, so that customers can clearly understand their own report, so they can rest assured.

KPM health check series
General Health Check Series
Basic health check-up under the age of 40 (for men and women)
Comprehensive Health Examination for Under 40(for men and women)
40+ basic health checks(for men and women)
50+ basic health checks(for men and women)
Sophisticated Health Check Series (Ms.)
Women's Luxury Precision Medical Examination Plan
Women's Superior Health Check with Gastroscopy Plan
Women's Excellence Health Check with Endoscopy Program
Ladies Supreme Health Check with Endoscopy Plan
Sophisticated Health Checkup Series (Men)
Men's Luxury Sophisticated Medical Examination Plan
Men's Superior Health Check with Gastroscopy Plan
Men's Excellence Health Check with Endoscopy Program
Men's Supreme Health Check with Endoscopy Plan
Men's Health Checkup Series (Gender-specific Checkup Items)
Young men's health check (under 40 years old)
Prime Men's Health Checkup (41-50 years old)
Elderly Men's Health Checkup (over 50 years old)
Women's Health Checkup Series (Gender-specific Checkup Items)
Standard Women Health Check (Blood test is not included)
Health check for young women (under 40 years old)
Health checkup for women in prime age (41-50 years old)
Elderly Ladies Health Checkup (over 50 years old)
Specialist Health Checkup Series
standard heart exam
Silver Cardiovascular Health Screening
Gold Cardiovascular Health Screening
Diamond Cardiovascular Health Screening
Joint Pain Check
Hepatitis B carrier standard test
Detailed inspection of hepatitis B carriers
Pre-marital health check series
Male Pre-Marital Health Check
view plan
Women's pre-marital standard health check
view plan

Inquire now / book a physical examination

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Monday to Friday|8:00AM ~ 7:00PM
Saturday|8:00AM ~ 6:00PM
Public holidays and Sundays|Closed 

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Monday to Friday|9:00AM ~ 7:00PM
Saturday|9:00AM ~ 6:00PM
Public holidays and Sundays|Closed 
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