Core Services




This GE system is designed to provide high quality images with shorter scanning time while delivering extraordinary clinical potential and exceptional examinee comfort. The Total Digital Imaging (TDI) technology helps to deliver consistently sharper images than conventional MR systems with high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), superior homogeneity and uniformity.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging is a safe, accurate, non-invasive and painless imaging modality. It utilizes a strong magnetic field, radio-frequencies, and state of the art computer technology to produce excellent images of the human body.

Preparation Details

  • By appointment only.
  • Please notify our staff if the examinee is pregnant or pregnancy is suspected.
  • Please inform our staff if the examinee has claustrophobia.
  • Please notify our staff if the examinee has any metallic implant (e.g. stent or pacemaker).
  • Makeup should be avoided on the day of examination.

Abdominal / MRCP

  • For abdominal region, please fast for 6 hours before examination
  • For contrast medium examination, please fast for 4 hours

Contrast Studies

  • Normal renal function (RFT).
  • Please inform our Centre at least 2 days before the examination, if the examinee has any allergy to previous contrast administration. Oral Steroid (Prednisolone 40mg to be taken 12 hours and 2 hours before examination) should be prescribed by the referral doctor or our Centre. In special occasions, intravenous Hydrocortisone will be administered at the time of the examination at an additional cost.
Tsim Sha Tsui Address
Opening Hours

Monday to Friday|8:00AM ~ 7:00PM
Saturday|8:00AM ~ 6:00PM
Public holidays and Sundays|Closed 

Central Address
Opening Hours

Monday to Friday|9:00AM ~ 7:00PM
Saturday|9:00AM ~ 6:00PM
Public holidays and Sundays|Closed 
Business hours are subject to change without notice,
detailedPlease check our center’s Facebook for the latest news

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